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Ciambellone al cioccolato vegano
Finalmente è arrivato il fresco e posso di nuovo accendere il forno. Di solito in inverno, tra freddo e pioggia, non ci prende molto di uscire per fare colazione, quindi spesso faccio ciambelloni e crostate da mangiare al mattino al posto dei cornetti del Gatsby. Questo ciambellone ha un sacco di cioccolata ed è morbidissimo, […]
Sugar free raspberry jam with chia seeds
Who said jam has to be full of sugar?! Not us for sure: today, in fact, we are going to make sugar-free raspberry jam! This jam contains zero sugar and it’s made with only a few ingredients: raspberries, blueberries, some stevia and few tablespoons of chia seeds. It’s the perfect topping for pancakes or peanut […]
Morning Chai protein smoothie
This smoothie tastes like chai latte and I can’t get enough of it. It’s filled with cinnamon, flax seeds, almond butter and much more…I mean it’s just delicious. We’ve used hemp seeds protein here but feel free to use any flavour: vanilla and chocolate also work really well! I like my smoothie to be very […]
Vegan banana muffins with oats and almond butter
These vegan banana muffins are fluffy, tasty and delicious! They are made with only a few ingredients and are great accompanied by a cup of tea or some coffee. They have no flour and no refined sugars and are perfect for diabetics. The only ingredients here are bananas, oats and some almond butter…Can you actually […]
Keto chocolate brownies
Would you believe me if I told you that these brownies are sugar-free, egg-free, dairy-free and also flourless? I know it sounds impossible, but these fudgy little squares are made only with a few bananas, dark cocoa powder, almond and coconut flour. They are a great treat for those with diabetes and can seriously rival […]
Ciambellone bicolore vegano
Ma quanto è anni 90 il ciambellone bicolore? Sono sicura che almeno una volta nella vita lo avete mangiato. Magari fatto da vostra madre, vostra nonna, la vicina di casa o vostra zia. A casa mia il ciambellone bicolore era una delle cose che meglio riusciva a mia madre, ed anche una di quelle che […]